Job Details

Head of Marketing

  • Fixed Price
  • Not Sure
  • 2 hours left
  • Anywhere
  • Start Immediately

About the team

We have a venture capital factory for IT startups.

We create and develop our own products with a focus on C2C direction.

Our applications help you gather in a close circle of friends, and solve routine and everyday tasks so that you spend more time offline.

About the project

We are looking for a specialist who will promote a new international product. Our product is a mobile application that helps to plan and conduct a private event of any scale qualitatively. The application will reduce the routine as much as possible and devote as much time to personal offline communication.

Main Tasks

Participate in product development (vision, creative)

Develop and implement a strong promotion strategy

Develop a communication strategy, create a key message and brand platform

Responsible for brand awareness

Create and manage the digital marketing team, including managing external distributed teams in product release markets

Develop and implement a unified creative content strategy

Budget and work hard with numbers and KPI

Effectively master the marketing budget: launch and integration

Analyze product release markets

Form a portrait of the target audience and the mechanic of working with it

Form and implement a mobile analytics system

Analyze the effectiveness of communication channels and promotion tools used, and use the analysis data in practice

Conduct A/B testing and monitor behavioral factors

Monitor metrics across traffic channels and contractors

What we expect from you

Proven experience in bringing an IT product or mobile application to the international market (USA/UK/UAE)

Understanding IT Business Processes

Experience in developing and implementing successful marketing strategies

Experience in launching advertising campaigns on the international market: targeted, contextual, media

Experience in starting from zero and SMM development in one of the markets

Experience with local agency partners in the international market

Confident knowledge of most digital promotion tools and mobile analytics services

Excellent mastery of key marketing metrics and confident work with numbers

Experience in setting and solving ambitious tasks

Proactivity and ability to work autonomously

Readiness for extensive cross-functional interaction with other departments and teams

Owning strong management skills

Experience in working with budgets from $500k per year


  • SEO Expert
  • Content Writer
  • Social Media Manager


  • 0
Country Not Specified
TimeZone not specified
$0.00 Total Spent
0 Hires, 0 Active
66 Jobs Posted
0% Hire Rate, 66 Open Job
0/hr avg rate
0 hours
Member Since
About 5 years ago

Preferred Qualifications

Freelancer Type:
Job Success Score:
Not sure
Fixnhour Hours:
Less than 100
Profile Level:
Not sure

Activity on this Job

Invites sent:


  • Avg $0.00
  • High $0.00
  • Low $0.00

Chetan Temkar

Research and Technical Writer More..

  • 0
  • Rank: 0
  • $0.00 Earning
  • 0 Jobs
  • Submitted: 04 Oct, 2022
  • 03:31 PM


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